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Agreement of Intent for MOU Signed with Russian Federal Public-State Foundation for the Protection of Investors and Shareholders’ Rights (FedFond)(2014)

2016-12-21 15:23:20
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Agreement of Intent for MOU Signed with Russian Federal Public-State Foundation for the Protection of Investors and Shareholders’ Rights (FedFond)


Sponsored by Russian Central Bank and FedFond, Russia-China Securities Investor Protection Conference was held in Moscow from November 20 to 21 of 2014, and SIPF sent a delegation to attend in-depth discussions in respect of the practice, experience and future development of securities investor protection schemes in Russia and China. Representatives from Russian Central Bank, Russian Financial Consumer Protection Union, FedFond, FinPotrebSouz, Russian National Association of Securities Market Participants, Eurasian Economic Commission and other relevant Russian financial regulatory authorities and self-disciplinary organizations attended and delivered theme speeches at the Conference. During the Conference, investor protection agencies of China and Russia signed the intention of MOU and reached a substantial agreement on further exchange, interaction and establishment of a mutual cooperation mechanism.