About SIPF

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Legal Notice

2011-03-29 16:45:58
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Before using this site, please read the following carefully.

All the information contained in this site is provided by China Securities Investor Protection Fund ("SIPF"). Before using or citing this information, please read the following carefully:

1. The SIPF logo belongs to the China Securities Investor Protection Fund. To use the SIPF logo, the permission of the China Securities Investor Protection Fund must be obtained and the appropriate acknowledgement made.

2. The copyright in all the information contained in this site belongs to the China Securities Investor Protection Fund. This information may not be changed, sold or leased without the prior permission of the China Securities Investor Protection Fund.

3. The China Securities Investor Protection Fund may amend or update any of the information contained in this site at any time. However, the China Securities Investor Protection Fund makes no guarantees with respect thereto. Under no circumstances does the China Securities Investor Protection Fund accept legal liability for any losses caused by the use or citation of the said information.

4. Chinese version is the standard for all information.